Game Design – Week 8 – Logic, Flowcharts, and Coding

“Binary code” by Christiaan Colen is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

When asked the most important thing I should teach my students, the MIT student I was interviewing simply stated , ‘ teach them logic.’ – Mr. Le Duc


  • My week went very well. I have learned a lot about the very basics of coding and can’t wait to learn more.



Screenshot from


Screenshot from
  • 3rd lesson


Image from
  • oval is start
  • square is process
  • diamond is choice
  • rectangle with wavy lines on the bottom is a report
  • the diamond causes branching in flowcharts.
  • flowcharts usually is top to bottom or left ot right.


  • I learned that each shape in the flow charts means something. I never learned any coding at all, but it is very interesting. I also learned that games are based off of flowcharts and not just data and code.


  • I learned that some people believe that creativity and death is somehow linked. It is like an idea that if you do something you like to do, it takes a bit of your own life.



Screenshot from


  • Tell your daily story here!  Highlight what you learned and enjoyed most and at least one problem you solved. Problem-solving is one of the most important skills you need in life. Employers want to know HOW you get stuff done as much as WHAT you got done.
  • While I was working in my martial arts dojang, I was tasked to help students learn a part of a new form. They were having a little trouble with where they put their hands. I had them focus on one hand at a time then slowly get faster with it. They were able to do the motion correctly after that.


Finished the survey.

Game Design – Week 7 – Tools, Time, and Rooms

CreativeCommons image Tool Stash by Meena Kadri at


This week has been very good for me. I wasn’t too busy which helped me find time to do other things.


  • This video is made by Sykoo and he focuses on many things like lighting and cameras with a simple and effective way to do things.


I have learned that the first game has to be very simple. as simple as just squares with some mechanics. This will allow the designer to test and refine on a very strong foundation. After you think the foundation is good enough, then we are allowed to slowly add features in. Lastly, the features like enemy types or power ups are actually not the content or the basic things you need for games.

Game Genres from the Simplest and Most Difficult to Create

  1. Racing Game
  2. Top-Down Shooter
  3. 2d Platformer
  4. Color Matching Puzzle Game
  5. 2D Puzzle Platformer
  6. 3D Platformer
  7. FPS
  8. JRPG
  9. Fighting Game
  10. Action Adventure
  11. Western RPG
  12. RTS


I have learned that when designing games, there are always going to be flaws within the game. Some flaws can’t be fixed because of budgets and money. I have also learned that a good game designer plays every type of game, no matter how bad it is. Game designers will also have to learn a way to observe and experience something at the same time.


When I was outside, I thought about what I had to do today. I thought of accomplishing my music for piano today. I didn’t really think of a lot. I just enjoyed my time outside with my dogs.


  1. Movement
  2. Balancing game
  3. Camera views
  4. Level design
  5. Difficulty

The game is a 2d platformer. The game would be similar to Mario but simplified. There would be levels that increase in difficulty each time you complete a level. So it would start easy and progressively get harder.


Finished the survey.

Developing Quality Workflow

What is Workflow?

Image Creative Workflow from,

Work•flow /ˈwərkflō/

“The sequence of industrial, administrative, or other processes through which a piece of work passes from initiation to completion.” –

What is a quality workflow?  How do we develop it?  Below are elements of the production cycle that most creative people move through as they create something.  First, we must identify the stages of project production. What is each stage and what are the quality checks for each stage.  Read on and find out!

Stages of Creation Development


How do we find ideas to develop?

The tools we use might be our own brain thinking of ideas or ideas that came from others that you liked. The process should be a way where everyone is allowed to speak their mind and agree on the ones they all like. We measure quality by seeing how creative the idea is. Everyone on the team measures the creativeness of the ideas.


How do we clarify our specific goal(s) for a project?

The tools that we use to clarify is our voice. The process should be a way for the group to agree on specific goals and move on. We measure the quality by examining the goals and how effective it would be to reach the goals. The director or a leader figure should measure the goals everyone is making.


How can we brainwrite, brainstorm, storyboard, and plan our ideas at this phase?

We can write all of the ideas down on anything. Anyone can throw out ideas at this stage and the director should decide on which ideas they will use. We can measure quality by deciding if the idea is relevant or useful in pre-production. The director should ultimately make the decision to choose the ideas they want in their game.


How do we communicate with each other and execute our plan for this phase? This is where we actually make the project.

We can communicate via Zoom or any online websites that let them communicate efficiently. We should make step by step instructions on how to make the game. We measure quality by seeing how good things are coming out and seeing if deadlines are being met. The director will measure how good the quality is.


How do we communicate with each other and execute our final stages of the project for this phase? This is where we publish the project.

We have a meeting over all the things that are in the final draft before publishing. We have to agree if this is right or wrong before before publishing. We measure the quality by seeing how smooth everything is in the game. The director should decide to publish it.


How do we share our project with our learning community, advisory members, and the world?

We have the internet and social media to promote the game. The process of this should be an efficient way to advertise and sell the game to the public or your local community. We measure how successful the game has been doing. Usually, the owner of the game reviews the game succession.


How do we conduct a feedback session at the end of the project development cycle?

We have review platforms on games that we can read over. The process should be simple, we read over the reviews and decide as a team what we should change based on the reviews from players. The owner should probably read over reviews and discuss it with their team.

Michael Jordan

Recipe For Success: Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan - Wikipedia
Born: February 17, 1963, in New York 10-1-20

Personal Success Definition

Michael Jordan was successful in man ways. He cooperates with all of his teammates and colleagues. He also has put in the hours and practice to be where he is today. He helped many young people to reach their own goals like the NBA.

Skills for Success

Michael Jordan 1) practices the sports, 2) his hunger for winning, and 3) consistency. Michael Jordan was very into basketball when he was a teenager. So he practiced the sport non-stop. He was also very ambitious about winning in basketball. Lastly, he was consistent with his practice which made him very good. According to the CNBC, they stated, “When UNC made it to the NCAA’s 1982 national championship game against powerhouse Georgetown, Jordan calmly sank the game-winning shot with time expiring on the game clock.” Worthy, a famous basketball player, said “I was better than he was … for about two weeks,” He was also part of the Hall of Fame.

How They Used These Skills

He used his very talented skill of basketball and the mindset of never stop going to reach the NBA some day. Michael Jordan has used these skills to beat the competition in his school days. Now he still practices and made it to the NBA and became one of the greatest players in the NBA.

Challenges Overcome

The challenges he had to overcome giving up. He had everything thrown at him in his early days. He was shorter than his teammates back then. He wasn’t accepted at first into his highschool team, but he has proven to his coach that he worked hard and eventually made it. He then later dominated the other teams.

Significant Work


He had failed many times, but has led the Chicago Bulls to win 6 NBA championships.


Some of my friends knew about Michael Jordan, so I used some of that as well.