Michael Jordan

Recipe For Success: Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan - Wikipedia
Born: February 17, 1963, in New York

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Jordan 10-1-20

Personal Success Definition

Michael Jordan was successful in man ways. He cooperates with all of his teammates and colleagues. He also has put in the hours and practice to be where he is today. He helped many young people to reach their own goals like the NBA.

Skills for Success

Michael Jordan 1) practices the sports, 2) his hunger for winning, and 3) consistency. Michael Jordan was very into basketball when he was a teenager. So he practiced the sport non-stop. He was also very ambitious about winning in basketball. Lastly, he was consistent with his practice which made him very good. According to the CNBC, they stated, “When UNC made it to the NCAA’s 1982 national championship game against powerhouse Georgetown, Jordan calmly sank the game-winning shot with time expiring on the game clock.” Worthy, a famous basketball player, said “I was better than he was … for about two weeks,” He was also part of the Hall of Fame.

How They Used These Skills

He used his very talented skill of basketball and the mindset of never stop going to reach the NBA some day. Michael Jordan has used these skills to beat the competition in his school days. Now he still practices and made it to the NBA and became one of the greatest players in the NBA.

Challenges Overcome

The challenges he had to overcome giving up. He had everything thrown at him in his early days. He was shorter than his teammates back then. He wasn’t accepted at first into his highschool team, but he has proven to his coach that he worked hard and eventually made it. He then later dominated the other teams.

Significant Work


He had failed many times, but has led the Chicago Bulls to win 6 NBA championships.



Some of my friends knew about Michael Jordan, so I used some of that as well.

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